Your Chapter President - November 2023

thinker     Become A Change Agent to Promote Enterprise Success
A business analyst can play a crucial role as a change agent in promoting enterprise success by facilitating and driving positive organizational changes. Here are some key actions and strategies that a business analyst can undertake in this role as a change agent.

Understand the Business Strategy - Gain a deep understanding of the organization's business strategy and objectives. This knowledge will help you align your efforts with the enterprise's overall goals. This action relates to the first knowledge area of Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring

Identify Business Opportunities - Continuously assess the organization's operations to identify opportunities for improvement, cost reduction, revenue enhancement, or risk mitigation. This strategy also relates to the first knowledge area of Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring.

Conduct Thorough Analysis - Utilize your analytical skills to thoroughly assess existing processes, systems, and data to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. This is another strategic action that relates to the first knowledge area of Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring.

Collaborate with Stakeholders - Build strong relationships with key stakeholders, including executives, managers, and subject matter experts, to gather their input, insights, and requirements. This action relates to the second knowledge area of Elicitation and Collaboration.

Define Clear Requirements - Work with stakeholders to define clear and actionable business requirements for proposed changes or projects. Ensure that these requirements are aligned with strategic goals. This action relates to the third knowledge area of Requirements Life Cycle Management.

Develop and Evaluate Solutions - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and evaluate potential solutions to address identified issues or opportunities. Conduct cost-benefit analyses and risk assessments to inform decision-making. This action relates to the second and sixth knowledge areas of Elicitation and Collaboration and Solution Evaluation.

Communicate Effectively - Clearly communicate your findings, recommendations, and the potential impact of proposed changes to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Use data and evidence to support your arguments. This strategy relates to the Communicate Business Analysis Information task in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area.

Facilitate Change Management - Assist in creating change management plans that outline how changes will be implemented, communicated, and measured. Help employees and teams adapt to new processes or systems. This action is best related to the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area.

Monitor and Measure Progress - Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track the progress and success of implemented changes. Regularly report on these metrics to stakeholders. This is related to Solution Evaluation.

Continuous Improvement - Promote a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging feedback, monitoring results, and iterating on solutions to ensure ongoing success. This is best related to the Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area.

Stay Informed - Stay up to date with industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies relevant to your organization's business domain. Share insights and opportunities for innovation. This is where the IIBA® and IIBA® Calgary Chapter events and webinars come to keep you well informed.

Training and Skill Development - Invest in your own professional development and that of your team. Acquire new skills, certifications, and knowledge to stay competitive and add more value. As part of your IIBA® membership, you have full access to a huge library of learning, and it is portable using the Skillsoft app.

Risk Management - Identify and mitigate risks associated with proposed changes, minimizing potential negative impacts.

Document and Share Knowledge - Maintain comprehensive documentation of processes, requirements, and solutions. Share this knowledge with relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency and consistency.

Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration - Encourage collaboration among different departments and teams to break down silos and promote a holistic approach to solving problems and achieving objectives.

By taking on these responsibilities and actively driving positive changes, a business analyst can contribute significantly to enterprise success and help the organization adapt to the evolving business landscape.

Reg Cracknell,