Message from Your Chapter President - November 2021

thinker                                                      President's Message

The True Power of Elicitation

Elicitation is essentially gathering information to define a need, but that definition fails to describe its true power. Gathering information often involves several conversations with your stakeholders. Those interactions include the opportunity to explore their frustrations. In some cases, it may be the first time they have had an opportunity to voice their concerns. Defining the need is often understanding the challenges that your stakeholders face.

Elicitation is also helping your stakeholders survey possible solutions. You are helping to mark out their expectations for the future, taking them on a journey of discovery to define their challenges and explore opportunities. You are listening to their need and creating a vision. You are empathetically involved in their pain and hope. That shared exploration is a unique opportunity to build a strong relationship of trust with a goal to improve their experiences. ”

Elicitation is an occasion to build a profound alliance with your stakeholders as you demonstrate care for their needs and wants. It is the seed to grow valuable connections: the true power of elicitation.




Photo by niko photos on Unsplash

Mike Jones,