Message from Your Chapter President - November 2022

thinker                     President's Message - Call to Action – Become a Mentor


Do you want your leadership to matter? Do you desire to leave your mark on the world and build a legacy? Consider the benefits of mentoring, not just for the benefit of those who seek your guidance, but for your own self-worth and happiness.

Experts say mentorship helps us feel connected to others and the world, something that we all need after the past two and a half years of isolation. It provides satisfaction and value that is more powerful than money or possessions. Mentors, as they guide and teach, typically feel a sense of productivity and pride from making an impact in the world.

Here are five mentorship skills to develop personal growth and in turn your career:

  1. Wear many hats. As mentor, you are part counselor, coach, advisor, master, teacher, therapist, and listener all rolled into one. An effective mentor can seamlessly transition from one role to another based on a mentee’s needs at the time. Set your role as one that far transcends advice-giving.
  2. Tell bridging stories. When it comes to delivering advice, a story is usually better received than just a straightforward solution. Try to connect their problems with a narrative of a personal story; create parallels and let them come to their own conclusions.
  3. Clearly communicate what you know. It’s likely you’re regarded as an expert in your field or area of responsibility. But that doesn’t mean you should throw out the jargon, acronyms, and buzzwords. Be simple and clear when you communicate the lessons you’ve learned or offering guidance. It is essential that you speak in a way that makes sense and is easily absorbed by your mentee.
  4. Be an emotional intelligence role model. Demonstrating self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship management competencies are the defining components of building a high emotional intelligence. Not only does research show emotional intelligence contributes to greater success in all professional roles, it will help build a stronger relationship with your mentee.
  5. Keep it confidential. The cornerstone of mentorship is trust. It’s important to make sure that nothing is ever shared without permission, even if you think it would be to your mentee’s benefit. Strive to be the kind of mentor that can always be relied upon.

Regarding mentoring, Benjamin Disraeli, a British statesman and novelist said, “the greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” And perhaps this is the greatest good you can do for yourself in return by becoming a mentor.

Our chapter is partnering with the University of Calgary – Continuing Education and International Professional Programs. We are looking to provide mentorship to students in post-secondary studies focusing on Business Analysis. Please consider giving not only your time, but yourself. As a mentor, you gain continuing development units to use for your IIBA® recertification. Please consider becoming a mentor to a person studying in the field of Business Analysis.

Please contact if you are interested in participating.

Thank you,

Reg Cracknell,